This is Firm Foundation Bible School

We want to create a place where young people will be touched by the message of God’s love. We also want to teach them to give value to the gospel in their own daily lives, so that they can also be appealing Christians to others around them.

How do we do this?

By training young people from all over the country and from the neighborhood two weekends a month for one year.

What do we do

Firm Foundation is a place where young Christians can learn who they are, what the Kingdom of Jesus Christ is and what their own place in the Kingdom may be. In doing so, they will learn to put what they have learned directly into practice.

Why we do this

As Firm Foundation, we want to build and stimulate the individual faith life of the students. We want to start a movement of infectious Christian lives in the local churches.


We want to create a crossroads where we connect the two target groups (young Christians and unchurched) so that they are not only become transformed people, but also learn to be transformative themselves. Just as the church is not an end in itself, we also do not want to see Firm Foundation as a goal.

Firm Foundation is a means to inspire and challenge young people to give substance to their life of faith.

Also watch our video below.